When it comes to planning a luxury family vacation, there are endless possibilities to choose from. Whether you’re looking for an action-packed getaway filled with adventure and excitement, or a relaxing retreat where you can simply unwind and recharge, there is something out there to meet your needs.

However, this is not your typical post providing you with ‘run of the mill’ luxury family vacation ideas; rather we have focused on providing inspiring ideas based on sustainability, eco-luxury, and making luxury travel meaningful. So, grab a cuppa, and let’s take a look at these ideas.


Kenya is extraordinary, with vibrant people, stunning coastlines, towering mountains, and of course, sublime wildlife. Your kids will love Nairobi’s Giraffe Center, as well as the Rhino orphanage, and be enthralled by the

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A common question for visitors to Iceland is whether it’s best to drive Iceland’s Route 1 ring road in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. Whislt we didn’t actually drive the entire ring on our trip (we probably covered around one third of it), I did plan to at first so spent quite a bit of time researching this issue. I hope my findings will help you make an informed decision as to what route is best for you.

First things first

Before tackling the question of whether to drive the ring road in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction, I would first pose the question as to whether you do indeed want to cover the entire route. It’s 1,317 kilometres and, if you are limited to only a week or so, I would seriously take a step back and look at the key things you want to cover. See my previous

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Travelling around Iceland is relatively straight forward and nowadays, with the aid of technology that almost all of us carry with us everywhere we go (our smartphones), it’s easier than ever. Here we’ve collated a number of apps which will help make your time in Iceland safer as well as enable you to get more from your visit.

112 Iceland

The 112 Iceland app makes it possible to contact 112 without calling. Clear simple app menu assists users in explaining what is happening and send a text message to an emergency operator. As soon as the app contacts the emergency operator your location is sent to the emergency center, along with the personal information stored in the app and a description of what is going on. This makes it possible to respond even more quickly to your call.

Available on iOS and Android


Conditions in Iceland can be unusual

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As I near the end of my series of posts from our trip to Iceland, I am sharing with you 10 things that are perhaps not all that well publicised but could be helpful when planning a trip to Iceland, particularly if you are visiting for the first time. Iceland is one of the most beautiful countries in the world – a land full of natural wonders – but knowing these useful tips will hopefully ensure that your trip benefits from some inside knowledge.

Plan ahead and book in advance

A trip to Iceland is one that you’re likely to remember for years to come. For this reason, you’ll be want to be sure that you plan ahead. And planning ahead is important for two reasons; firstly, you’ll get the pick of the best hotels and accommodation if you book ahead; secondly, you’ll often get the best prices by planning

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One of the first things you might think about when planning a trip to Iceland is whether to drive the full length of the ring road that goes around the entire country – known as Route 1, and not to be confused with the Golden Circle which is close to Reykjavik and gives you easy access to some key sights that can be seen in a single day.

To assess this, we needed to first know how far it was and how long it would take. The answer to that question is that Iceland’s entire ring road covers 1,317 kilometres and, in theory, can be driven in just 16.5 hours (albeit through non-stop driving – but even if sharing the driving, you would still need to stop to change drivers and to re-fuel!). This also assumes no traffic whatsoever.

Given that you can, in theory, comfortably get all the way

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