When Edith Lemay and Sebastien Pelletier learned that three of their four children had a rare, untreatable genetic condition that causes vision loss, they experienced the stages of grief — denial, anger and sadness. When they reached acceptance, they decided to enjoy life. For them, this involves traveling the world and giving their children the chance to create “visual memories.”

“Whenever problems (arise) my way to cope is just to get into action,” Lemay, 44, of Montreal, Canada, told TODAY Parents via What’s App. “The thing is with the diagnosis, there’s nothing you can do. The doctor tells you, ‘Well, your kids are going to be blind, but we can’t do anything about it.”

family travels world for visual memory
Mia, 11, wanted to ride horses and swim with dolphins on the family’s trip around the world. She cried tears of joy after riding horses in Mongolia. Courtesy Edith Lemay and Sebastien Pelletier

For a year,

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