When Edith Lemay and Sebastien Pelletier learned that three of their four children had a rare, untreatable genetic condition that causes vision loss, they experienced the stages of grief — denial, anger and sadness. When they reached acceptance, they decided to enjoy life. For them, this involves traveling the world and giving their children the chance to create “visual memories.”

“Whenever problems (arise) my way to cope is just to get into action,” Lemay, 44, of Montreal, Canada, told TODAY Parents via What’s App. “The thing is with the diagnosis, there’s nothing you can do. The doctor tells you, ‘Well, your kids are going to be blind, but we can’t do anything about it.”

family travels world for visual memory
Mia, 11, wanted to ride horses and swim with dolphins on the family’s trip around the world. She cried tears of joy after riding horses in Mongolia. Courtesy Edith Lemay and Sebastien Pelletier

For a year,

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You can’t read or watch the news at the moment without hearing horror stories about airport stress. In so many cases, the criticism from frustrated travelers looking forward to their first business trip, vacation, or family reunion in some time is completely justified. While it’s been disappointing to read how some governments have blamed the airlines for the current operational challenges, ultimately, today’s traveler has bought their ticket in good faith and wants to get away as seamlessly as possible.

Having worked in aviation for 17 years, from starting at the check-in counter to being senior cabin crew and now managing our people department, I have definitely witnessed my fair share of delays, long wait times, and airport stress. So far this year I have traveled about once a month, some for work, and others for holidays, and I have of course noticed the difference not just in the logistics

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Traveling alone as a woman can be scary, but it is also incredibly empowering, according to those who have dared to do it. Express.co.uk spoke to two women, Maria Riesco and Jess Bevan, who decided to travel solo this year, for different reasons. For both of them, it was one of the best things they’d ever done.

After breaking up with her boyfriend at the start of the year, Maria decided to try something she’d never done before: travel solo.

She opted for a trip to Sri Lanka through WeRoad, an organization that groups strangers together to go traveling.

Maria told Express.co.uk: “My life changed a lot this year – I decided to make a career move and not long after my long-term boyfriend broke up with me.

“With spare holiday from my previous job I had a lot of free time and needed a distraction, so I thought it

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Science fiction offers up so many realms to explore. So many ideas. And one of the most probing and prevalent themes, usually always rich with creativity and concern, is time travel. It’s a topic we can only theorize about but it’s one that has ushered in some of the best sci-fi movies of all time. Ones that expand the boundaries of imagination and, often, chase us down some very cool rabbit holes.

Whether it’s the story of a killer cyborg sent back in time to wipe out the future leader of a rebellion, the tale of some poor soul forced to relive the same day over and over in a time loop, or the fable of an investigator playing with time in order to solve a mystery, this particular sci-fi terrain is always fruitful. Here are the top 15 time travel films ever!

The Top 15 Time Travel Movies of

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Viewing insider transactions for Travel + Leisure Co.’s (NYSE:TNL ) over the last year, we see that insiders were net sellers. This means that a larger number of shares were sold by insiders in relation to shares purchased.

While we would never suggest that investors should base their decisions solely on what the directors of a company have been doing, logic dictates you should pay some attention to whether insiders are buying or selling shares.

Travel + Leisure Insider Transactions Over The Last Year

Over the last year, we can see that the biggest insider sale was by the Independent Director, George Herrera, for US$128k worth of shares, at about US$58.50 per share. While we don’t usually like to see insider selling, it’s more concerning if the sales take place at a lower price. It’s of some comfort that this sale was conducted at a price well above the current

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